Your personal guide to

Connection to self as a way of life

Tiffany Van Goey:

Somatic Practitioner, Energy Worker, Intuitive coach

Improving your relationship with your self, your body, and your gifts

About Me

I am a somatic practitioner, energy worker, and intuitive coach with 16 years of experience across an array of tools, modalities, and disciplines. I share my own developed work on finding one’s deepest personal power & gifts by helping you identify and work with specific precursor experiences we all have, which I’ve coined as Physical Tuning Events. I also use an array of tools & techniques that can include breath work, movement, guided meditation & visualization, energy work, hypnosis, tarot, astrology, Gene Keys, and more.

Much of my work as a facilitator via somatics & intuitive energy work is rooted in guiding you through your own present-time experience, and this is in part because the deepest realizations and internal transformations we need are not mental concepts to be grasped — but in-body experiences that create a kind of emotional alchemy available only to you via your own mind-body connection, presence, and experience.

I specialize in many combined modalities to offer highly personalized sessions to guide you into present time — facilitating a deeper connection of spirit to body, helping bring you into greatest access to your purpose & power via this embodied work.

why these modalities?

Many of us are socialized to move through our lives in ways that negate our sensitivities, intuition, and lived experience. There is an urgent need for more of us to understand the energy exchange beneath the stories we are experiencing at the heart of the most important events and relationships in our lives.

This necessitates us learning how to reconnect to our bodies - and thus our own innate guidance system - so that we may feel for ourselves the distinct difference between the choices we make out of fear and socialization, vs. the more subtle intuitive knowing our being offers us when we move beyond our pain and the nervous system triggers we have unconsciously developed to protect us.

It is through these modalities that I can most powerfully facilitate you reconnecting to yourself on a level that allows you to navigate clear internal discernment in present time.

What can a client expect in a session?

You have a unique soul mission, purpose, set of gifts, and set of challenges. In the consultation, I will facilitate the exploration of a potential process to help you assess & feel for yourself where you are in present time, and discuss together what tools and insights come through to inform next steps.

While the outcome will vary based on your discovered desires & soul mission - I ultimately work to facilitate you connecting with your own body and greater being. This can accomplish you receiving your own way in to your unique tools, gifts, and purpose - guiding you to hone and cultivate the unique self into your full awareness and power in present time.


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